Buy A Whole Free Range Pig

Buy a Whole Pig

Regular price £350.00 Sale

Our farmers pride ourselves on the  ability to produce a quality pork product from a happy well cared for herd of pigs.

A Pig weighs in at around 70kg, and provides around 35kg of pork.

The cuts would be as follows:

  • 4 x 2kg Boneless pork leg joints
  • 4 x 2kg Boneless shoulder pork Joints
  • 4 x 2kg Pork Belly on the Bone
  • 12 x Pork Chops
  • 4 x 400g Packs Back Bacon
  • 4 x 6 Pork Sausages
  • 4 x 400g packs Minced Pork
  • 2 x 400g packs Diced Pork

The price of the whole pig is just £350  or for half only £185 for half of the items listed. fantastic value for an awful lot of pork!